ISO 27001: 2013 Certified Information Security Management Systems (International Standard)
Valid Upto: 15-January-2026

SS 584: 2020 Certified Multi-Tier Cloud Computing Security Assurance (Singapore Standard)
Valid Upto: 15-January-2026

Info-Tech Certified with the Data Protection Trustmark (DPTM) under IMDA
Valid Upto: 04-June-2026
Info-Tech is certified as compliant with ISMS ISO 27001: 2013 and the Multi-Tier Cloud Security Management System of Singapore (MTCS) - the most widely known information security management standard used by organizations to keep data assets secure. Info-Tech achieved these certifications by developing and implementing a robust security management program to keep our customers' data safe.
On top of that, Info-Tech has also been awarded with the Data Protection Trustmark (DPTM) certification by Info COMM Media Development Authority (IMDA). It means that customers and employees can rest assured that the personal data under Info-Tech’s care is responsibly managed and safeguarded. Routine security evaluations and audits are conducted internally and externally by appointed auditors on an annual basis.
- Data Center
- Data Encryption
- Security Threat and Vulnerability Management
- User Authentication
- Password Policy
- Customer’s Control
- Customer Database Backup & Retention
- Information Security Awareness Training
- Disposal of Physical Devices
- Physical and Environmental Security
- Security Breach
- Global Cyber Protection by CHUBB - Cyber Enterprise Risk Management
1. Data Center
Microsoft Azure is engaged as a cloud service provider where Info-Tech hosts and stores its Cloud HR Software and Database. The Tier-4 data center is located at the South-East Region (Singapore). Microsoft Azure employs multi-layered security across physical data Centre’s, infrastructure, and operations. Data centre’s managed by Microsoft have extensive layers of protection: access approval at the facility’s perimeter, at the building’s perimeter, inside the building, and on the data center floor.
2. Data Encryption
We encrypt all data in transit between customers and Info-Tech using TLS 1.2 or higher protocols. For data at rest, we are using 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). Info-Tech’s web-based applications are also encrypted end-to-end with an SSL Certificate by default. Info-Tech has also implemented extra layers of security on the cloud application – for example, Multi Factor Authentication, and secure HTTPS to ensure data transit to Azure are encrypted and secured.
3. Security Threat and Vulnerability Management
Info-Tech uses Microsoft Defender Advance Threat Protection to help enterprise networks prevent, detect, investigate, and respond to threats. Also, internal, and external (Third-party assessment) Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Test (VAPT) is being performed for all Applications, API, and Servers as mentioned below frequency to identify flaws to protect critical data and ensure that our networks and systems are not exposed to cyberattacks as well as to ensure security weaknesses are being discovered and remediated.
VAPT - Mode | Frequency |
Internal | Once in three months |
External | Once in a year |
4. User Authentication
We provide users with standard access to Info-Tech Cloud HR software through a login username and password. As an extra layer of security, Info-Tech also offers Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for user login. If 2FA login is enabled, the user will be required to enter a One-Time Password (OTP) that has been generated and sent to the user’s smartphone. We recommend customers to use 2FA to reduce risk and mitigate cyber threats. We have provided access logs screen, where customer can view their employees’ login date & time with IP address.
5. Password Policy
Info-Tech has implemented a global password policy and the user should meet the following password criteria to create and access the account.
- Password Should be 8 to 20 characters long.
- Password contains a mixture of lower-case, upper-case, numbers and special characters [$,&,@,#,^, etc..]
- Password Max- Age - 60/90 Days (Customized)
- Forced password change when first time login.
- Account gets locked out after 5 wrong attempts.
6. Customer’s Control
Info-Tech customer has the flexibility to add employees/users into their account within the number of head count that have subscribed. The person with the super-admin role has the control over who has access and what they are able to do. Our Software Support Specialist will not access to customer's confidential information unless request initiated for assistance via ticketing system or telephone call. We are doing everything to protect customer's data. Please see our Terms of Service and Data Protection Policy for further information.
7. Customer Database Backup & Retention
We do have regular 7-day database backup and server backup of zone redundance at Info-Tech.
Also, we hold the data in customers account as long as customer choose to use Info-Tech Cloud HR Software. Once the account is terminated, customer data will be deleted from the active database after 30 days from the termination date. We will give customer a prior notice via email before the permanent deletion of your database. Complete back up will be deleted after 7 days from the active database deletion.
8. Information Security Awareness Training
All employees will receive security awareness training throughout their career with Info-Tech. During onboarding, employees will receive a Data Protection Management Programme communication email, which encourages employees to adopt and promote good data protection practices in our organization. Employees will also be given access to the internal security policies. Additionally, there will also be weekly email that to constantly remind employees of security issues and the best practices that they should follow to ensure safe handling and storage of data.
9. Disposal of Physical Devices
We have an authorized vendor to carry out the disposal of unusable physical devices (e.g. laptop, tablet, hard disk). Any information contained inside the devices is formatted before disposal. The hard drives will be degaussed which destroys remnant magnetic fields on magnetic components, heads and domains on hard drives by exposing them to a strong magnetic field. This guarantees that any information is no longer retrievable and the hard drive that’s been degaussed can never be used again.
10. Physical and Environmental Security
Info-Tech’s office premise is monitored 24/7 through surveillance cameras, which capture the images of those entering the premises. Multiple layers of security controls are implemented to protect the access to and within our environment, including firewalls, intrusion protection systems and network segregation. Cisco Meraki firewall is implemented to monitor and control incoming and out-going network traffic based on the firewall rules defined by the organisation. Preventive maintenance for all physical devices such as window updates, antivirus updates, antivirus scan, capacity review and UPS battery health check will be done as per the established schedule. If any information processing system (hardware, software and data) is to be taken off-site, relocating or transferring, proper authorization will be obtained. For assets sent for repairs, all data are to be backup and information are to be erased from any hard disk and then sent for repair or discard. Necessary records for removal/ disposal of such asset are maintained and recorded.
11. Security Breach
We have a rigorous incident management process for security events that may affect the confidentiality of data. We have a dedicated emergency response team to take over the responsibility for managing security incident. In the event of a potential data breach, we will carry out assessment of the data breach expeditiously within 30 days. If the data breach is assessed to be likely to result in significant harm or impact to the individuals whom the personal data relates, we will notify the customer no later than 24 hours after establishing that the data breach is likely to result in significant harm or impact to the individuals, or of a significant scale (i.e. data breach involves personal data of 500 or more individuals).
We are committed to keeping your data safe and secure, by using best practices to protect our system and your data. Should you have any concern with regards to our Network & Security and Data Protection practices, please contact our Security Team at security@info-tech.com.sg or Data Protection Officer at dpo@info-tech.com.sg
12. Global Cyber Protection by CHUBB - Cyber Enterprise Risk Management
In today’s connected environment, cyber security is a widespread concern. With this in mind, we have added cyber insurance to our businesses around the globe as an additional layer of security while also gives our stakeholders peace of mind and confidence to move forward with Info-Tech. Cyber protection can also assist in the timely remediation of cyberattacks and security incidents.